থিউরি অব স্ট্রাকচার MCQ
1. The ratio of crippling loads of a column having both the ends fixed to the column having both the ends hinged, is --
2. The forces acting normally on the cross section of a bar shown in the given figure introduce--
Compressive stress
Tensile stress
Shear stress
None of these
3. A masonry dam (density = 20,000 N/m3) 6 m high, one metre wide at the top and 4 m wide at the base, has vertical water face. The minimum stress at the base of the dam when the reservoir is full, will be --
75 N/m2
750 N/m2
7500 N/m2
75000 N/m
4. A load of 1960 N is raised at the end of a steel wire. The minimum diameter of the wire so that stress in the wire does not exceed 100 N/mm2 is:
4.0 mm
4.5 mm
5.0 mm
5.5 mm
5. A spring of mean radius 40 mm contains 8 action coils of steel (N80000 N/mm2), 4 mm in diameter. The clearance between the coils being 1 mm when unloaded, the minimum compressive load to remove the clearance, is --
25 N
30 N
35 N
40 N
6. The force in CD of the truss shown in given figure, is--
3t compression
3t tension
1.5t compression
7. The ratio of the area of cross-section of a circular section to the area of its core, is--
8. The force in CD of the truss shown in given figure, is--
3t compression
3t tension
1.5t compression
9. The ratio of the area of cross-section of a circular section to the area of its core, is--
Material is homogeneous
Material is isotropic
Young's modulus is same in tension as well as in compression
All the above
10. An isolated load W is acting at a distance a from the left hand support, of a three hinged arch of span 21 and rise h hinged at the crown, the horizontal reaction at the support, is--
11. In the truss shown in the given figure, the force in member BC is--
100 t compressive
100 t tensile
12. At any point of a beam, the section modulus may be obtained by dividing the moment of inertia of the section by--
Depth of the section
Depth of the neutral axis
Maximum tensile stress at the section
Maximum compressive stress at the section
13. A compound truss may be formed by connecting two simple rigid frames, by --
Two bars
Three bars
Three parallel bars
Three bars intersecting at a point
14. The maximum bending moment for a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load w/unit length, is --
15. The maximum deflection due to a uniformly distributed load w/unit length over entire span of a cantilever of length 1 and of flexural rigidly EI, is --
16. In plastic analysis, the shape factor for rectangular section, is
17. A bar L metre long and having its area of cross- section A, is subjected to a gradually applied tensile load W. The strain energy stored in the bar is --
18. If a concrete column 200 x 200 mm in cross- section is reinforced with four steel bars of 1200 mm2 total cross-sectional area. Calculate the safe load for the column if permissible stress in concrete is 5 N/mm2 and Es is 15 Ec
264 MN
274 MN
284 MN
294 MN
19. At any point of a beam, the section modulus may be obtained by dividing the moment of inertia of the section by--
Depth of the section
Depth of the neutral axis
Maximum tensile stress at the section
Maximum compressive stress at the section
20. For determining the force in the member AB of the truss shown in the given figure by method of sections, the section is made to pass through AB, AD and ED and the moments are taken about
Joint C
Joint B
Joint D
Joint A