63. 6x2-7x-4 = 0 সমীকরণে মূলদ্বয়ের প্রকৃতি কোনটি?
বাস্তব ও সমান
বাস্তব ও অসমান
পূর্ণ বর্গ সংখ্যা
65. 'What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet'-Who said this?
66. 'We must not be late, else we will miss the train.' This is a -
compound sentence
complex sentence
simple sentence
interrogative sentence
70. 'Sweet Helen' make me immortal with a kiss.' The sentence has been taken from the play -
Romeo and Juliet
Caesar and Cleopatra
Doctor Faustus
Antony and Cleopatra
71. 'He ran with great speed.' The underlined part of the sentence is a -
noun phrase
adverb phrase
adjective phrase
participle phrase
74. Who translated the 'Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam' into English?
Thomas Carlyle
Edward FitzGerald
D. G. Rossetti
William Thackeray
76. 'Man's love is of man's life a thing apart, 'Tis woman's whole existence. This is taken from the poem of -
P. B. Shelley
Lord Byron
John Keats
Edmund Spenser
78. Change the voice: 'Who is calling me?'
By whom am I called?
By whom I am called?
By whom am I being called?
Whom am I called by?