2547. The output frequency of a full wave rectifier is-
Same as the input frequency
One-half of the input frequency
Double of the input frequency
Independent of the input frequency
2558. The purpose of a gate is to---
deliver molten metal into the mold cavity.
act as a reservoir for the molten metal.
feed the molten metal to the casting in order to compensate for the shrinkage.
deliver molten metal from pouring basin to gate
2559. The battery connections required to forword bias a pn junction are-
+ve terminal to p and -ve terminal to n
-ve terminal to pand+ ve terminal to n
-ve terminal to p and-ve terminal to n
+ve terminal to pand+ ve terminal to n
2560. A voltage divider consists of two 100k resistors and a 12V source. What will the output voltage be if a load resistor of 1 MQ is connected to the output?
5.7 V
6 V