221. Which is the correct meaning of the idiom: 'Cock and Bull story---
short story by Tolstoy.
A novel by Bernard Shaw.
Cheaps jokes
Absurd and unlikely story
222. To call a spade a spade' means-
be factual .
speak plainly
express fully
use unpalatable words
223. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom 'call it a day'
let's compare it with a day
to stop work since enough has been done
to be unhappy with the weather
to pay someone a visit
224. Call it a day means-
open an event
fix an appointment
spend the time
finish work
225. Capital punishment' means---
Heavy punishment
Death penalty
Confiscation of capital
Long term imprisonment
227. What is the meaning of 'culpable homicide'?
grievous hurt
murder not amounting
to murder
228. Cry wolf means-
Show anger
Bare one’s teeth
Clear the road
Give a false alarm
229. 'Catch sight of means -
see for a moment
paying attention
become popular
230. The manager was charged with cooking the accounts.
preparing false accounts
improper relationship
illegal business
creation trouble
231. Call a spade a spade The correct Bengali translation is-
আগে ঘর তবে তো পর
স্পষ্ট্যস্পষ্টি কথা বলা।
ঝোপ বুঝে কোপ মারা
জলেই জল বাঁধে
232. 'Crack the whip' means-.
to use one's ability to make someone go quickly.
to use one's power to enable someone to work steadily.
to make one's hand useful in a mission.
to use one's authority to make someone work harder.
233. Carried the day' means- w
on (ওয়ান)
lost the day p
assed the day
234. Catch a tartar' means--
Meet a powerful opponent.
A cruel person
People of Turkey
Friendly atmosphere
235. To cry for the moon' is-
to be moonstruck
to be interested in astronomy
to want something that is impossible to get
to be romantic person
236. Politicians often use students as---
cat's paw
cold water
fresh blood
kith and kin
237. A cock and bull story' means-
A false story
A story about a cock and a bull
A tragedy
An animal story/a fable
239. Cut to the quick' means
to cut into two pieces
to cut quickly
to hurt intensely.
to cut at a reasonable
240. Let's call it a day means-
let's stop work now.
to raise doubts
let's presume it to be da
isn't it day time?