1. I am desperate. All I need really is someone to---
take me a hand
give me a hand
put me a hand
show me a hand.
2. The meaning of 'feel at home [(নিজ বাড়ির মতো) স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যবোধ করা]'-
Calm & Quiet
Free & Easy
Familiar & Known
Proficient & Expert
3. When we say 'The two brothers are at daggers drawn' we mean that they are: daggers drawn' means---
4. What is the meaning of the phrase "carry the day"?
busy all day
free all day
5. A bolt from the blue' এর সমার্থক বাংলা প্রবাদ কোনটি?
যত গর্জে তত বর্ষে না।
লঘু পাপে গুরু দণ্ড।
বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত
ছাই ফেলতে ভাঙ্গা কুলা
6. Once in a blue moon (কালেভদ্রে/কদাচিৎ)' means-
very rarely
7. The phrase 'salt of the earth' means-
worthy persons
salty earth
evil persons
salted persons
8. The phrase 'hard and fast' means
difficult and consistent
fixed and definite
difficult but not consistent
quick and consistent
9. A man of letters' means:
A fool
A wise person (জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তি)
A man of letters
a man who is a writer,
10. What is the meaning of the idiom 'finger the pie'?
involve in something
getting out of something
uninterested in something
showing disliking
11. Which of the following is very near to the underlined words life and death?
very dangerous
out and out
extreme serious
by and large
12. My friend is a couch potato. What does the idiom/phrase "Couch potato" mean?
active person
busy person
lazy person
angry person
13. A bolt from the blue means:
A thunderstorm
A sudden unfortunate occurrence
Sky falling on one's head
None of the above
14. Many of the part men did not expect the nomination and victory of a dark horse like him. dark horse Means—
a mischievous person
an unknown person
a strong person
an illiterate
15. The phrase 'carry the day' means to ---
pass time
be victorious
16. The expression 'true to their salt’---
very religious
faithful to their employer
very honest
none of these
17. Lose heart (সাহস হারানো, মন ভাঙ্গা)' means-
One type of heart disease
be disheartened ( হতাশ হওয়া)
heart attack
heart failure
18. The idiom 'hot potato' means-
a current issue
a potato just baked
a burnt potato
an old issue
19. He goes to his friend's house off and on. (সে মাঝে মাঝে তার বন্ধুর বাড়িতে যায়) What does 'off and on' mean-
20. The idiomatic expression 'cut back' means---
return to previous position
stop production
reducing expenditure
reducing interest rate