2422. Counter EMF of the DC motor is-
Less than the applied voltage
More than the applied voltage
Equal to the applied voltage
None of the above
2424. What will happen if the 220 volts DC series motor is connected to 220 Volt AC supply?
The motor will not run
The armature winding of the motor will burn
The motor will run with less efficiency and more sparking
Either b & c
2428. The direction of rotation of DC series motor can be changed by-
Interchanging field terminal
Interchanging supply terminal
Both a & b
None of the above
2432. If the back EMF of DC motor vanishes then-
The motor continues to run
Motor will stop
Armature will burn
The motor continues to run in slow speed
2434. What will happen when the DC motor is connected to A.C supply?
DC motor will run at rated speed
DC motor will burn
DC motor will run at slow speed
Both b & c
2435. Why is the speed of DC shunt motor dependent on Back EMF?
Because flux is proportional to the armature current
Because armature drop is negligible
Because Back EMF is equal to armature current
Because flux is constant in DC shunt motor
2436. When the ratio of back EMF to applied voltage is -- then the mechanical power developed by the shunt generator is maximum.
2439. For highly explosive atmosphere which of the following motor is generally preferred?
Battery operated motor
Series motor
Air mesur
Shunt motor
2440. When the speed of DC motor is increased-
Back E.M.F increases and current drawn decreases
Back E.M.F decreases and current drawn increases
Back E.M.F and current drawn both increases
Back E.M.F and current drawn both decreases