5562. For highway geometric design purpose the speed used is
15th percentile
50th percentile
85th percentile
98th percentile
5564. Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with
parallel parking
30° angle parking
45° angle parking
90° angle parking
5565. which of the statement is generally true for ground water (কোন বিবৃতিটি সাধারণত ভূগর্ভস্থ পানির জন্য সত্য)
has low dissolved Oxygen and low carbon dioxide
has low dissolved Oxygen and high number of microorganism
has high dissolved oxygen and low turbidity
has low turbidity and high carbon dioxide
5567. ধূমপান স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ক্ষতিকর- Correct translation in English:
Smoking is bad for health
Smoking is telling upon health.
Smoking was a bad habit.
Smoking is dangerous for health.
5572. contour survey is normally done by using
level machine
total station
5574. the surface ready to receive the road structure is called
improved subgrade
5575. Choose the correct answer:
A few number of students were present.
A few number of students was present.
A few number of student were present.
A small number of students were present.
5576. Wheels of a rolling stock are provided flanges on
outer side
inner side
neither side
neither side
5577. Camber in the road is provided for
Effective drainage
Counteracting the centrifugal force
Having proper sight distance
All of the above
5579. if hardness of a water sample is greater than alkalinity then which of the following statement is true (যদি একটি জলের নমুনার কঠোরতা ক্ষারত্বের চেয়ে বেশি হয় তবে নিচের কোন বিবৃতিটি সত্য)
total hardness = carbonate hardness
none of the above
Ozonenon carbonate hardness = 0
boilingcarbonate hardness = alkalinity