5621. Who is on of the following method is most suitable for determining the permeability of clay soil
falling bead test
horizontal permeability test
constant head test
none of the above
5622. the following index properties were determined for 4 soils, mark as Soil A, soil B, soil C and soil D. Which of these soils contains more clay particles?
Soil A
Soil B
Soil C
Soil D
5623. বাংলাদেশে সর্বপ্রথম আবিষ্কৃত গ্যাসক্ষেত্র কোনটি?
5624. Slope of the moment diagram is equal to
Rotational moment
Bending moment
Total weight
5625. 'আমার দেখা নয়াচীন' কে লিখেছেন?
শহীদুল্লাহ কায়সার
আবুল ফজল
মাওলানা ভাসানী
শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান
5627. on the plane of principal stress
normal stress is maximum but shear stress is zero
both normal and shear stress is maximum
both normal and shear stress is zero
shear stress is maximum but normal stress is zero
5628. modulus of rupture of concrete means
shear strength
crushing strength
tension strength in bending
tensile strength in direct tension
5629. বাংলাদেশে সর্বশেষ স্থাপিত স্থবন্দর কোন জেলায় অবস্থিত?
5630. an under reinforced beam means (আন্ডার রিইনফোর্সড বীম বলতে বোঝায়-)
steel provide is insufficient
steel is provided at eh underside only
steel will yield fast before concrete crushing
steel is provided on the tension face only
5631. punching shear up to a flat plate is checked
d/3 distance from face of column
d/4 distance from face of column
d/2 distance from face of column
d distance from face of column
5632. Which of the following column will have more buckling.
L = 40 ft, both ends fixed
L = 20 ft, both end pinned
L = 10 feet, one end fixed and on end free
L = 30 feet, one end fixed anf one end pinned
5633. the maximum shear stress of a rectangular beam is-
1.75 times are average stress
2.0 times are average stress
1.25 times are average stress
1.5 times are average stress
5634. earthquake force develops
horizontal direction only
vertical direction only
none of the above
both horizontal and vertical direction
5635. সঞ্চয়িতা' কার রচনা?
মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত
রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
5638. What happen just after the ylelding of Steel reinforcing bar (রিইনফোর্স বারে, ঈল্ডিং এর পরে কি ঘটে-)
the strain hardening
strains softening
5639. The change in moment is equal to (দুটি বিন্দুর মোমেন্ট পরিবর্তন...
Rotational moment
Bending moment
Total weight
area under share diagram
5640. (মাটির শিয়ার স্ট্রেস্থ প্যারামিটারগুলো হলো-)
c, Nc,p
c, Nc,p, N
с, ф
с, Ү, ф