14481. 'Big bug' means
useful person
unemployed person
important person
employed person
14482. Cupboard love' means-
open love
reckless love
show of affection
14483. Crocodile tears' means
tears of a crocodile (কুমিরের অশ্রু)
deceptive cry (প্রতারণামূলক কান্না)
tears of any animals
tears of an unlucky person
14484. The idiom "between the devil and the deep sea" means-
happy situation
difficult situation
tempting situation
easy situation
14485. The maritime boundary of Bangladesh was an now the issue has been resolved. What does 'apple of discord' mean here? apple of discord for a long time but That piece of land was a bone of contention between the two countries.
a matter of dispute
a source of food
something to negotiate
battlefield (যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র)
14486. Politicians often use students as---
cat's paw
cold water
fresh blood
kith and kin
14487. 'The birds and the bees' means –
The basic facts about marriage. .
The relation between the birds and the bees
The basic facts about sex.
The birds and the bees are good workers
14488. To cry for the moon' is-
to be moonstruck
to be interested in astronomy
to want something that is impossible to get
to be romantic person
14489. 'Catch sight of means -
see for a moment
paying attention
become popular
14490. 'Bag and baggage' means-
heavy things
leaving nothing behind
costly things
14491. 'Crack the whip' means-.
to use one's ability to make someone go quickly.
to use one's power to enable someone to work steadily.
to make one's hand useful in a mission.
to use one's authority to make someone work harder.
14492. 'Crocodile tears'?means--
Heartless man and woman
14493. Let's call it a day means-
let's stop work now.
to raise doubts
let's presume it to be da
isn't it day time?
14494. There is no use crying over spilt milk. I cannot be undone." Here the phrase 'cry over spilt milk' mean --
being too inquisitive
being extremely desperate
judge something primarily on appearance
complain about a loss from the past
14495. What is the meaning of 'Crocodile tears'?
to finish
false sorrow
carry out
cry coldly
14496. The paternal property is between the two brothers.
up and doing
in blue color
at a premium
the bone of contention
14497. Call it a day means-
open an event
fix an appointment
spend the time
finish work
14498. Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using backstairs influence to get the job. backstairs influence Means--
political influence
backing influence
Deserving and proper influence
secret and unfair influence
14499. Cry wolf means-
Show anger
Bare one’s teeth
Clear the road
Give a false alarm
14500. Which of the following phrases give the meaning of 'false tears of sorrow'?
Cry in the wilderness
Crying need
Crocodiles tears
a close fisted man