14521. 'Bill of fare' is
A chart of bus fare
A valuable document
A price list
A list of dishes at a restaurant
14522. "Black sheep' means--
Costly sheep
Wicked mane
Big sheep
A sheep of black colour
14523. A best seller means -
an efficient salesman
a celebrity
a costly item
a piece of ornament r
a book that sells in very large number
14524. What is the meaning of the expression "bottom of my heart"
close to my heart
lower part of my heart
core of my heart
close to my liver
14525. Find out the best translation of the sentence, 'There is a black sheep in every family".
প্রতিটি ভেড়ার দলে একটি করে কালো ভেড়া থাকে
প্রতিটি পরিবারে একটি করে কালো ভেড়া থাকে।
প্রতিটি পরিবারে একজন করে কুলাঙ্গার থাকে।
প্রতিটি পরিবারে একজন করে কালো মানুষ থাকে।
14526. What is the meaning of the From the bottom of one's heart phrase "barking up the wrong free"?
Felling a worming tree
Removing the bark of a tree
Pursuing an incorrect lead
Planting a wrong tree
14527. What does 'Big guns' means-
Large guns .
by Renowned person
Corrupt person
Famous political personalities
14528. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it cannot be described in words means--
cuts to the quick
keeps open house
beggars description
boils down to this
14529. Bird's eye view' means--
A rough idea
A view of the sky
Eyes of a flock of birds
Eyes of birds
14530. Choose the correct English idiom for- 'শাস্তি দেয়া'
Bring on book
Bring to light
Bring to book
Bring in light
14531. Beggar description' means -
the life of the beggar
miserable life
14532. Bring to book' means –
book written by a famous writer
valueless person st
to rebuke/ punish
book which is lo
14533. To build a castles in the air is to:
to work on a massive scale
to be a dreamer
to make a fortune
to work selflessly
14534. Don't build a castle in the, you will be disappointed.
14535. 'Black Sheep' এর সঠিক অর্থ কোনটি?
কালো ভেড়া
কালো জাহাজ
কালো মেঘ
14536. Identify the correct meaning of the idiom: bring to book
fetch for justice
include in a book
14537. 'Bird's eye view' means-
a cursory glance
a false story
looking something seriously
the view of a bird's eye
14538. Choose the correct sentence.
Everybody have gone there.
Everybody are gone there.
Everybody has gone there.
Everybody has went there.
14539. 'Black sheep' means---
a good man
bad persone
a dead sheep
A black colour sheep
14540. What is the meaning of the idiom 'a bad egg'?
an unreliable person
a dangerous person
a person who can't create anything
None of these