1682. Rankine's theory of earth pressure assumes that the back of the wall is
Plane and smooth
Plane and rough
Vertical and smooth
Vertical and rough Answer- C
1683. 1 2 with the normal to the interface of the soils having permeabilities k1, k2 before and after deflection. According to the law of deflection of the flow lines at the interface of the dissimilar soils
1684. The rise of water table below the foundation influences the bearing capacity of soil mainly by reducing
Cohesion and effective angle of shearing resistance
Cohesion and effective unit weight of soil
Effective unit weight of soil and effective angle of shearing resistance
Effective angle of shearing resistance
1685. Through a point in a loaded soil mass, there exists typical planes mutually orthogonal on which the stress is wholly normal and no shear stress acts, if is
1687. The weight of a container is and that of container with soil simple, is. If the weight of the container and oven dried soil sample is W3, the moisture content of the soil, is
[(-W3)/(W3-)) x 100
[(W3-)/(-)] × 100
[(-)/(-W3)) x 100
[(-)/(-W3)) x 100
1688. The pressure that builds up in pore water due to load increment on the soil, is termed
Excess pore pressure
Excess hydrostatic pressure
Hydrodynamic pressure
All the above
1689. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A soil having pH value less than 7 is an acidic soil
A soil having pH value more than 7 is an acidic soil
A soil containing chemicals for the manufacture of Portland cement is preferred
A soil having pH value more than 7 is an alkaline soil
1690. Contact pressure beneath a rigid footing resting on cohesive soil is
Less at edges compared to middle
More at edges compared to middle
Uniform throughout
None of the above
1691. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Sandy clayloam contains highest percentage of sand
Silty clayloam contains highest percentage of silt
Stiff boulder clay offers maximum shear strength
Soft chalk carries least safe load
1693. According to Coulomb's wedge theory, the active earth pressure slides the wedge
Down and outwards on a slip surface
Up and inwards on a slip surface
Horizontal upward and parallel to base
Horizontal inward and
1694. The quantity of seepage of water through soils is proportional to
Coefficient of permeability of soil
Total head loss through the soil
Neither (a) nor (b)
Both (a) and (b)
1695. A soil mass is said to be in plastic equilibrium if
It is stressed to maximum
It is on the verge of failure
It is in plastic stage
It starts flowing
1696. For general engineering purposes, soils are classified by
Particle size classification system
Textural classification system
High Way Research Board (HRB), classification system
Unified soil classification system
1697. The critical exist gradient of seepage water in soils, increases with
An increase in specific gravity
A decrease in specific gravity
A decrease in void ratio
Both (a) and (c)
1698. Stoke's law states that the velocity at which a grain settles out of suspension, the other factors remaining constant, is dependent upon
Shape of grain
Weight of grain
Size of grain
Shape, size and weight of grain
1699. A cylindrical specimen of saturated soil failed under an axial vertical stress of 100kN/m² when it was laterally unconfmed. The failure plane was inclined to the horizontal plane at an angle of 45". The values of cohesion and angle of internal friction for the soil are respectively
0.5 N/mm² and 30°
0.05 N/mm² and 0"
0.2 N/mm² and 0"
0.05 N/mm² and 45"
1700. The Mohr's straight theory is based on the following fact:
Material fails essentially by shear
Ultimate strength of the material is determined by the stress in the plane of slip
Failure criterion is independent of the intermediate principal stress
All the above