1701. Coefficient of compressibility is
Constant for any type of soil
Different for different types of soils and also different for a soil under different states of consolidation
Different for different types of soils but same for a soil under different states of consolidation
Independent of type of soil but depends on the stress history of soil
1703. The consolidation time for soils
Increases with increasing compressibility.
Decreases with increasing permeability
Increases rapidly with increasing size of soil mass
All the above
1704. In a liquid limit test, the moisture content at 10 blows was 70% and that at 100 blows was 20%. The liquid limit of the soil, is
None of these
1705. নিচের কোনটি স্প্রেড ফুটিং এর উদাহরণ ?
ওয়াল ফুটিং
আর সি সি ফুটিং
সব গুলোই
1706. If is specific gravity of sand particles, is porosity, the critically hydraulic gradient
ic (G+1)/(1-e)
ic (G+1)/(1+e)
ic = (G-1)/(1-e)
1708. একটি Foundation কে Shallow বলা হয় যখন এর Depth হয়
½ th of its width
Half of its width
3/4 th of its width
Equal of its width
1709. In a purely cohesive soil, the critical centre lies at the intersection of
Perpendicular bisector of slope and the locus of the centre
Perpendicular drawn at 1/3rd slope from toe and the locus of the centre
Perpendicular drawn at 2/3rd slope from toe and the locus of the centre
Directional angles
1710. When the measured length is less than the actual length, the error is known as a-
Positive error
Negative error
Instrumental error
Compensating error
1712. The shear resistance of a soil is constituted basically of the following component.
The frictional resistance to translocation between the individual soil particles at their contact point
To the structural relation to displacement of the soil because of the interlocking of the particles
Cohesion and adhesion between the surfaces of the soil particles
All the above
1714. The ratio of the weight of water to the weight of solids in a given mass of soil, is known
Specific gravity
Void ratio
Water content
1715. A foundation consisting of thick reinforced concrete slab covering area to the bottom of the structure is known as (কাঠামোর নীচে পুরু রিইনফোর্স কংক্রিট প্ল্যাব আচ্ছাদন এলাকা নিয়ে গঠিত একটি ভিত্তিকে বলে)
Combine footing.
Grillage footing
Strap footing .
Raft footing
1717. Select the incorrect statement.
Effective cohesion of a soil can never have a negative value.
Effective angle of internal friction for coarse grained soils is rarely below 30".
Effective angle of internal friction for a soil increases as state of compactness increases.
Effective angle of internal friction is a complicated function of mineralogy and clay size content.