English Literature MCQ
21. The line 'Frailty, thou name is woman' occurs in Shakespeare's play-
King Lear
23. Which novel is written by an Indian novelist?
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
The Return of the Native
Things Fall Apart
Heart of Darkness
25. 'Animal Liberation' গ্রন্থটির রচয়িতা কে?
পিটার সিঙ্গার
26. The gist of the poem 'I Died For Beauty." is-
Love is beauty and beauty is truth. .
Truth, Beauty and Goodness come first.
Beauty is truth, truth beauty.
Beauty will save the world
27. Who is the most famous satirist in English literature?
Alexander Pope
Jonathan Swift
John Dryden
William Wordsworth
29. ---is written by Emily Dickinson.
To Daffodils
Oh Captain,
My Captain
I Died For Beauty
31. Who is the author of the novel “The God of Small Things”?
Thomas Hardy
Jhumpa Lahiri
R.K. Narayan
Arundhati Roy
32. Who wrote the play ‘The Way of the World’?
William Shakespeare
William Congreve
Ben Jonson
Oscar Wilde
33. 'I am a man more sinned against than sinning'. This is uttered by-
King Lear
34. The short story 'The Diamond Necklace' was written by -
Guy de Maupassant
Somerset Maugham
O Henry
George Orwell
35. The author of 'A Farewell to Arms' is-
Somerset Maugham
Ernest Hemingway
D. H. Lawrence
Jane Austen
36. Which period is known as 'The Golden Age of English Literature'?
The Victorian Age
The Elizabethan Age
The Eighteen century
The Restoration period
38. “Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav’n.” – Who wrote this?
Geoffrey Chaucer
Christopher Marlowe
John Milton
P. B Shelley
39. The name of the tree which is not mentioned in the poem "I Have Seen Bengal's Face." Hizal Tamal Taal Bat
40. Which event influenced the literature of the Romantic period?
French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Russian Revolution
Hundred Years' War