81. Every cloud has a silver lining. This statement expresses -
82. A slow coach" means.—
an irresponsible person
a careless person
an unthoughtful person
a very lazy person
83. A storm in a tea cup (চায়ের পেয়ালায় তুফান)' means-
a serious matter
a lot of fuss ( উত্তেজনা)
a stormy matter
a dangerous storm
84. The meaning of the idiom 'Swang song' is-
Sweat tone of swan
Very angry man
Last work of a playwright (নাট্যকার),
Days of prosperity
85. Don't raise a --- in a tea cup over the issue.
hue and cry
86. Speed money' means-
percentage of interest (সুদের শতকরা হার)
bribe (ঘুষ, উৎকোচ)
black money (কালো টাকা)
hard-carned money (কষ্টোপার্জিত টাকা)
87. To smell a rat' is-
to smell a bad rat
to suspect a trick or deceit
to detect a dead person
to be sharp in smelling
88. Which is the appropriate meaning for 'hush money"?
silent money
borrowed money
quiet money
money given as bribe
89. Idiom 'silver lining' means-
white line
silver plated
white colour
90. People say, 'Every cloud has a silver lining to mean that-
every difficult situation has a dual purpose
every difficult situation has unexpected result
every difficult situation has a negative side
every difficult situation has a positive side
every difficult situation carries manifold meanings
91. To smell a rat' means-
to give smelly food
to rats to put rats in cages
to suspect something wrong
the smell of a rat
92. I have seen such a slow coach like you, this small work has taken you three full months. a slow coach means.—
an irresponsible person
a careless person
an unthoughtful person
a very lazy person
93. Step down' means -
Bend low and keep down
skip the steps
Resign from an important position
climb down the stairs
94. Smell a rat--
bad smell
develop an imaginary character
suspect something
presence of a thief
95. The expression 'a slow coach' means-
an untrained coach
a dull fellow (স্থলবুদ্ধি সম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি)
a bad companion
a lost guy (হারানো ব্যক্তি)
96. He is fond of sharp practice." Here what's the meaning of the idiom sharp practice"?
intelligent practice
deceptive practice
moral practice
formal practice
97. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase/idiom: 'Sharp Practice---
Quick Practice
Dishonest business
Very clever
99. Why should she stick her neck out for them? (সে কেন তাদের জন্য ঝুঁকি নেবে?) They never helped her with anything.
Ask for money
Stand up
take a big risk
100. My uncle is six feet under. The underlined phrase means -
Dead and buried
Wounded and lost
None of these