61. What is the meaning of 'Take after'?
Similarity between two persons
Dissimilarity between two persons
Take the opportunity
62. When I was in town, I tried to take full advantage of the many libraries there. Here 'take full advantage' means-
take pictures
make a survey (জরিপ)
make good use
visit to get an idea
63. What is the meaning of 'soft soap'?
To speak ill of others
To speak high of others
To recognize others good deeds.
Flattery for self motives.
64. 'Sit on the fence' means----
watch over the fence.
remain neutral in a dispute
sit on a height
sit idly
65. A tenure position' is-
a permanent post
an ordinary post
a temporary post
a high post
67. His most trusted friend proved to be a snake in the grass—means:
a sleeping snake
a hidden enemy
a piece of rope
a dead snake
68. Which one is correct? পরিবার পরিজন সর্বাবস্থায় এক সাথে থাকে
Family and friends together stay thick and thin.
Family and friends stay through thick and thin together
Family and friends stay together through thick and thin.
Family and friends through thick and thin together stay
69. The idiom 'a snake in the grass' means---
a sleeping snake
a hidden enemy
a piece of rope
a dead snake
70. The proverb "A snake in the grass' means -
A snake laying eggs.
A snake sun bathing.
An unpleasant person who cannot be trusted.
A sleeping snake.
71. 'Straw poll' means---
Yes-no vote
Manipulated voting
Official poll of public opinion
Unofficial survey of public opinion
72. When we soft-soap somebody, we do that man.
73. A snake in the grass-
Secret or hidden enemy
Unforeseen happening
Unrecognizable danger
Unreliable person
74. What is meant by 'Straw vote'?
Unofficial poll of public opinion
Poll based on random representation
Poll based on 'Yes-No' vote
Manipulated voting
75. He was taken to task- এর বাংলা অনুবাদ
তাকে কাজ দেয়া হয়েছিল
সে কাজ নিয়েছিল
তাকে কাজের জন্য বলা হয়েছিল
তাকে তিরস্কার করা হয়েছিল
76. What is the meaning of the idiom 'take to one's heel'?
To stand on one's own feet
To escape
To wear expensive shoe
To reach
77. Choose the correct words: Mr. Rahman was a gentleman---
through and through
inside and outside
78. Through thick and thin' means---
Under all conditions
To make thick and thin
To clear understanding.
Of great density
79. What does ' Salt of life ' stand for?
Sorrows of life
Saline water
Sodium chloride
Valuable things.
80. Take somebody for cruising' means -
to provide entertainment
to deceive or humiliate a person
to keep company
to exploit a person