Voice MCQ
81. Let me do the work. Its passive form is:
Let the work be done me.
Let the work be done.
Let me be done the work.
Let the work be done by me.
82. They elected him chairman. Its passive form is:
He was elected chairman (by them).
Chairman was elected by them.
Chairman was elected him by them.
By them was he elected chairman.
83. Unfortunately, their house- while they were at the restaurant celebrating their anniversary.-
got burgled
went burgled
had burgled
84. I remember my sister taking me to the museum.
I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.
I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
I remember myself taken to the museum by my sister.
I remember taken to the museum by my sister.
85. Construction augers - drill holes in soft grounds for the piers of large buildings.
used to
are used by
are used to
86. The passive form of the sentence 'Who has written Hamlet' is:
Hamlet has written by whom?
By whom Hamlet is being written?
By whom Hamlet is written?
Who has Hamlet been written by?
87. One should keep one's promise.
Promise should be kept.
Promise should have kept.
Promise should kept.
Promise should keep.
88. Enter the house by this gate.
Let the house entered by this gate.
Let the house be entered by you by this gate.
You should enter the house by this gate.
You are requested to enter the house by this gate.
89. The active form of the sentence 'Promises should be kept' is -
You should keep our promise.
We should keep the promises made.
One should keep one's promises.
One should keep ones promises.
90. The passive form of 'Where will you spend your holidays?' is -
Where will your holidays be spent by you?
Where would your holidays be spent by you?
Where will your holidays spent by you?
Where your holidays will spent by you?
91. Make it passive: "They said he is a good candidate'
He was said to be a good candidate.
He was considered to be a good candidate.
It was said by them that he is to be a good candidate.
He was believed by them as a good candidate.
92. A child could not have done this mischief.
This mischief could not be done by a child.
This mischief could not been endone by a child.
This mischief could not have been done by a child.
This mischief a child could not be done.
93. They have built a perfect dam across the river.
Across the river a perfect dam was built.
A perfect dam has been built by them across the river.
A perfect dam should have been built by them.
Across the river was a perfect dam.
94. Take this medicine on empty stomach. Its passive form is:
This medicine is taken on empty stomach.
Empty stomach is taken this medicine.
This medicine should be taken on empty stomach.
This medicine may be taken on empty stomach.
95. Change into passive: Who is creating this mess?
By whom is this mess being created?
Who has been created this mess?
By whom this mess is being created?
By whom has this mess been created?
96. He is said to be very rich.
He said he is very rich.
People say he is very rich.
He said it is very rich.
People say it is very rich.
97. 'Shubho ate four pieces of Hilsha fish at dinner.' The passive form of the sentence is -
Four pieces of Hilsha fish at dinner were ate by Shubho.
At dinner four pieces of Hilsha fish Shubho ate.
Four pieces of Hilsha fish were eating by Shubho at dinner.
At dinner four pieces of Hilsha fish were eaten by Shubho.
98. Coca-Cola is drunk on new year's eve.
People drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
Let us drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
They will drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
People always drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
99. Change the voice: Can you help me to scoop out seeds from melon? Ans:- to scoop out the seeds from the melon?
Can I be helped by you
Can I helped by you
Could I helped by you
Can I been helped by you
100. Passive form of 'Who spoke it'?
It was spoken by whom?
By whom was it spoken?
By whom it was spoken?
By whom it has been spoken?