3241. A flow net is used to determine the-
seepage flow
seepage pressure
exit gradient
all of these
3243. The coefficient of permeability of slit is---that of clay.
same as
less than
more than
none of these
3244. W ওজনের Soil sample-এর Moisture content = m, Proctor mould-এর Volume = V হলে Dry density কত হবে?[MOCA-19]
WV / m+1
V [m/(1 + m)]
W[ V(1 + m)]
V(1 + m) / W
3245. Which of the following have an influence on the value of permeability?
Grain size
Void ratio
Degree of saturation
all of these
3246. The critical gradient of the seepage of water in a soil medium is-
(1-G)/( 1+e)
(G-1)/( 1+e)
(1+e)/( G-1)
3248. Shrinkage index কী? [MOCA-19]
Liquid limit - Shrinkage limit
Liquid limit + Plastic limit
Plastic limit - Liquid limit
Shrinkage limit - Liquid limit
3251. The liquidity index (in percentage) is given by-
(ω_L-ω_p )*100/I_p
(ω-ω_p )*100/I_p
3253. The liquid limit minus plastic limit is termed as-
flow index
plasticity index
shrinkage index
liquidity index
3254. The water content in a soil at which just shear strength develops is called-
liquid limit
elastic limit
plastic limit
shrinkage limit
3256. The critical gradient of the seepage of water--- with the increase in S.G. of soil.
3257. When the consistency index is zero, then the soil is at its-
elastic limit
plastic limit
liquid limit
semi-solid state
3258. The unconfined compressive strength of a very soft clay is-
10 to 25kN/m²
150 to 400kN/m²
25 to 150kN/m²
above 400kN/m²
3259. বিদ্যমান Over-burden pressure-এ মাটি যদি Fully consolidated না হয়, তখন তাকে কী বলে? [MOCA-19]
Normally consolidated
Over consolidated
কোনোটিই নয়
3260. The unconfined compressive strength of a hard clay is-
10 to 25kN/m²
150 to 400kN/m²
25 to 150kN/m²
above 400kN/m²