ট্রান্সপোর্টেশন ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং MCQ
202. The superstructure of a road is called-
wearing layer
wearing course
road surface
any one of these
205. The roads connecting capital cities of states are called-
national highway
state highway
express way
capital highway
209. A water-bound macadam road is an example of- [BGFCL-17]
rigid pavement
semi-rigid pavement
flexible pavement
210. For the water-bound macadam road, the recommended camber is-
1 in 24 to 1 in 30
1 in 30 to 1 in 48
1 in 48 to 1 in 80
1 in 80 to 1 in 120
214. Penetration test on bitumen is used to determine its- [HED-19]
All of these
215. Asphalt cement usually used in Bangladesh has the penetration range of- [MES-16]
AC 40-50
AC 85-100
AC 60-70
AC 120-150
216. The top of the ground on which the foundation of road rests, is called- [MOD-20]
wearing layer
219. The main function of railway sleepers is to- [MOCA-19]
support the rails
keep the two rails at correct gauge
distribute the load coming on the rails & the ballast
all the above
220. The term used for major important roads of a country is-
country road
urban road
none of these